Norse is a newly announced viking-age RPG from Norwegian developer Arctic Hazard, and it's coming to PS5. All we've got to go on right now is the above reveal trailer, and while we don't get much gameplay, it's clear that this is a fairly ambitious project.

The title boasts turn-based, tactical combat, settlement building, and a plot penned by Giles Kristian — a bestselling writer who's authored a catalogue of historical stories. It all sounds pretty good on paper.

"Embark on an epic quest for vengeance as Gunnar, a young warrior whose destiny is forged in blood and betrayal. After the treacherous Steinarr Far-Spear murders his father, Jarl Gripr, and decimates his people, Gunnar's path is clear: rebuild, ally, and rise to reclaim honour and justice," reads the game's official description.

It continues: "Craft your own settlement from the ground up, gather allies from far and wide, and train a formidable warband to stand by your side. Every decision you make shapes the world around you, as you navigate a landscape teeming with both danger and opportunity."

There's no release window attached to this one just yet, but we'll no doubt be hearing more of it in the coming months. It should be worth keeping an eye on if you're a fan of historical settings or strategic gameplay. Or vikings in general.

What do you think of Norse? Put those shields up in the comments section below.