
Topic: The TV Show Thread

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@BearsEatBeets It's a nice set - there's some art cards BUT (and I hate this) the discs are stacked on spindles with the 4Ks on one side and the Blu-rays on the other. Insofar as Disney physical releases go a few of the Star Wars and Marvel steelbooks have gone sold out on the HMV site so that's a good sign for the future. @colonelkilgore It's shockingly good. I have a hard time reconciling the gulf in quality between a show like "Andor" and the absolute dreck like "The Book of Boba Fett". The QC at LucasFilm is pretty much non-existent.

Edited on by LN78



@LN78 yeah I hope the physical releases are very successful and maybe some of the others give it a try. I would love an Arcane or Stranger Things box set from Netflix.
I guess it could diminish the need to subscribe for some people but maybe they will discover that the kind of customer buying the physical don’t stay subscribed for long anyway and can make extra money this way.
I certainly have no plans to re subscribe to Disney plus until season two of Andor and will drop it again right after.


PSN: leejon5


@BearsEatBeets Yeah - I'd love for Netflix to reconsider their policy on physical releases - the two you mentioned plus "Blue Eye Samurai" and "Sandman" would be good for starters. The Disney releases (plus the thriving bootleg market) prove that they are leaving the collector/AV enthusiast dollars on the table.

Edited on by LN78



@LN78 Blue Eye Samurai is one I added to my watchlist a while back and kind of forgot about. I'll have to get to that.


PSN: leejon5


@LN78 "Sandman" has been released on 4K; imported mine from and it arrived just the other day. Haven't gotten around to testing it yet. Not sure how they decide what's getting released and what's not, but they're obviously very reticent about releasing anything on physical. I was quite surprised to see that "Sandman" had a release, tbh



@FuriousMachine Thanks for the heads up - not sure how that passed me by! I wonder why there hasn't been a UK release? I suspect it must've been a co-production because Mike Flanagan's two "Haunting" series (made with Paramount) came out on Blu-Ray a while back. I'll get a copy of "Sandman" ordered, then!

Edited on by LN78



@LN78 And thank you for returning the favour; I was unaware of the "Haunting" releases, which is very good news as Flanagan himself recently lamented that Netflix refused to release his stuff on physical. I suppose he was referring to "Midnight Mass" and "Usher", maybe?
But, yeah, I expect you're right when thinking that the fact that these are all co-productions is what helped these get disc releases.
I was about to sign off bemoaning that "Arcane" was a Netflix original through and through and thus would probably never get a home release, but when I went to Wikipedia to verify if it was indeed a co-production or not, I saw this little beautiful sentence:

In June 2024, it was announced that GKIDS had acquired the home video rights to Arcane, which will be released on digital and 4K



@FuriousMachine That's excellent news regarding "Arcane" - I expect it will be released to coincide with the launch of the second (and final) season.

Edited on by LN78



Just finished a six episode miniseries on Netflix called “Supacell”. While not as funny as Misfits, it's probably the closest comparison, both British shows that combine super powers with social realism. This story is focused on a range of Black characters in London, for a lot of the show, its just about their day to day lives, but people start developing super powers, and a wider, greater, narrative begins to shift into focus. Its a different take on a super power show, telling stories that are sadly underrepresented and made the show feel refreshingly different. I think its pacing, and focus on real world drama, will probably polarise some, but I found the blend pretty damn engaging. Sure if you’re expecting some MCU level production, you’ll probably be disappointed, but I was surprised by how satisfying the payoff was, even on a smaller scale.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Pizzamorg I did Supacell this week also whilst travelling - and actually enjoyed my time with it.

Not sure if you ever watched a show from about 13-14 years ago called "Heroes"? Supacell seems to borrow heavily from that show, alongside Misfits (as you point out), but the likeable leads and authentic portrayal of London made me stick with the show.

I thought most of the characters were well drawn, particularly liked Michael and Tazer.

If you enjoyed Supacell, the creator ('Rapman') had a film a few years back called "Blue Story" - about 2 best friends who grow up within gang culture in London estates. It is really excellent, and tonally reminiscent of Supacell (no powers though obviously!)



@CJD87 Heroes was one of those early teenage year TV obsessions where I was starting to really get into my own interests, like Lost and the anime Bleach. Although I remember being so disappointed by the second season of Heroes and I am not sure I watched any more after that.

I'll have to seek out Blue Story. Ironically I think the superpower stuff while still good, is probably the least interesting part of Supacell, so I don't mind the idea of something spiritually similar but without the powers.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


@Pizzamorg Scrolled past that one last night. Might give it a look.

I watched episode 6 of Season 4 The Boys last night, it was hilarious. Loved their take on Spider-man. All sorts of wrong going on but really funny!



@MightyDemon82 Yeah the last two episodes have been bangers. The scene on the farm from last week's episode took an unexpected turn! Not sure if I can stomach eating cake again after this week's episode!

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@MightyDemon82 @JohnnyShoulder I almost got a bit nauseous watching this week's episode, but I was laughing all the same. This show is so bats*it insane and I love it. The aerial attack at the farm last week almost had me in tears from LOLs

Edited on by FuriousMachine



@Pizzamorg Haha yeh what a time to be alive... Lost (!) Irrespective of a dodgy ending, that show was so 'ahead of its time' and those early few seasons are among some of the best / most enjoyable TV I have ever watched. Season 1 of Heroes was a banger also - but I fully agree it nosedived tremendously from S2 onwards.

OK if you like the gang-orientated setting/drama in Supacell, then definitely check out 'Top Boy' on Netflix - you'll also recognise some of the Supacell actors there .



Started watching Shogun on Disney+ today. A friend recommended this show to me as I love Japan and it's been absolutely superb thus far. I've watched two episodes and it's fantastic. I haven't experienced many media of feudal Japan so this setting is very interesting to me.



@LtSarge Shogun is, in my opinion, one of the absolute best TV shows I've seen in many years. I read the book this January (which was also extremely good) and the show did not disappoint. You've got some great hours of television ahead of you


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