@render You're actually a little bit ahead of me! But just a bit. I could only play 15 minutes or something yesterday evening.
I am getting desensitized on one hand, but on the other hand when I walked from my living room through the hall around midnight I was sincerely frightened of the dark a bit; so the game at least has some effect on me.
I really like how the game now is a bit structured right now too; makes it easier what to expect. It's more of an adventure game than a frightening rollercoaster ride at the moment. Wonder if that will change again near the end of the game. If I'm honest I have no idea when that end would be.
@Kidfried I've been playing something lighthearted for a little bit after each session as I find that helps to not dwell too much on the imaginary of what I've just witnessed. I watched quite a few horror films with friends when I was younger but then the effects used to be so bad that I don't think it ever affected me 😆
I'm enjoying the structure of the game in terms of what to expect and also the structure of the environments. It's a bit Metroidvania like where you can open up new areas in places you've already visited which is great for making the most of each area and also makes it feel far less linear than it actually is. I'm also wondering the same though - how much further have I to go and what else is going to come at me! I'm sure there will be some surprises yet.
@Kidfried Wow I had an interesting hour of this last night. I pushed on after the next boss fight which led to a few interesting story points as well as a few rather grim bits, one of which left me feeling pretty uncomfortable.
One thing that tripped me up though was resources. I feel I've been fairly thorough with searching rooms but somehow I've managed to whittle down my ammo to next to nothing. There were a few heated sections where I was down to just some burner fuel and a knife. There must have been 4 - 5 enemies that I could do nothing about so I ended up having to do the best I could to just run past them to get to a safe room. It worked, running away saved me and gave me some experience if I ever decide to speed run this thing. Hopefully you are fairing better though!
@render I had some other obligations unfortunately (watching a film with friends, such a distraction from my quest). So I only managed to scour fifteen minutes or so, looking for some more ammo and then died... of course!
I hope this weekend I'll be able to play some more, but I'm not getting my hopes up too much.
@Th3solution I’m glad I started it but there’s some pretty messed up stuff in this game. I’ve always wondered what sort of person can work on something like this and sleep soundly at night?!? Horror aside though there is some clever design going on here with the environments and the action sequences as well as what seems to be a pretty good story to pull it all together. Well worth your time if you can put yourself through it 😉
@Kidfried I tried to really push on tonight and did quite a bit. Polished off another boss fight and made it to another new area. This game is bigger than I thought. Be good to know how you find it once you’ve had chance to play some more.
@render My plan is to play RE4 at some point this year. It’ll probably be a while, since Demon’s Souls is ‘lite’ horror and so I’ll probably need something a little more cheery after this. Although I might concurrently play something less intense; almost started up Dirt 5 earlier to take a Souls break.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Th3solution That’s exactly what I’ve been doing to chill after some RE, working my way through Dirt 5’s career mode. Quite liking it so far although I was spoiled by the vehicle damage in Wreckfest.
@render Those are the two driving games I’m considering playing. I might want to do one of them before GT7, but it’s coming out in less than 2 months, so probably will end up waiting until then for my driving fix. If I do want to play either Dirt 5 or Wreckfest, do you recommend Wreckfest then?
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Kidfried On a scale of scariness, how does it rate?
As for scariness — For me RE 1 was a 7/10, the campy dialogue bringing the fear factor down a notch. RE2 was probably 8/10, and RE 3 was about 6.5/10. Bloodborne was maybe 6/10. Hellblade was 7/10 (audio properly freaked me out). Until Dawn as I recall was maybe 6/10. The Last of Us 5/10. Death Stranding maybe 4.5/10.
Those are the scariest games I’ve played, that I can recall. I’m expecting maybe a light 5-6/10 from RE4, given its more focused on action.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
And I'd argue RE7 is between these last two, so an 8.5. but the beginning is definitely a 9/10 for me. If the whole game was like that I wouldn't have progressed much as I did.
And I am blessed with a terrible memory. In general I tend to forget the scariest experiences.
@Kidfried Interesting that Bloodborne and Hellblade sacred me much more, but I think part of it may be due to the audio since I play almost exclusively with headphones. Outside of those it looks like we’re in the same ballpark, so I can expect RE4 to be relatively tame compared to RE7. It’ll be good prep work go play it first, in addition to getting all the back story.
Incidentally, scariest games… I’ve heard Alien Isolation is up there. Also Soma. Looks like Amnesia is in the mix too.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
@Th3solution SOMA is one of the scariest games I've ever experienced, even scarier than Outlast. It's one of those games where you can't fight back and you can't look at the monster, otherwise it will kill you. Still remember vividly one part where you had to search for a way to fix an elevator and at the same time, the monster is patrolling the area so you had to avoid it while looking around. Then when I finally fixed it, I got to the elevator, had to wait for it to come and the monster was right behind me. Because I couldn't look at it, I just stared in front of me and hoping to god that the elevator would arrive soon. And it did, just as the monster was about to touch me, lol. That was definitely the most I've been scared while playing a horror game.
Still haven't played Amnesia yet. That needs to change soon! Also looking forward to Alien Isolation now that I've watched the first four movies.
@Th3solution@Kidfried@LtSarge Really interesting hearing others takes on how scary RE games are compared to others. I played RE1 way back when it was released and remember that being one hell of an experience. TLoU I didn’t find too bad so you have confirmed my feelings on that. Erica I didn’t think was too bad, just a little creepy. SOMA sounds proper nightmareish though. I know I’ve got that as it was a PS+ game but think I’m less likely to play it now 🤣
I’ve just finished RE7. Thoroughly enjoyed the game and the ending though, great to see some things explained and I’m looking forward to see how this feeds into Village.
There’s the option to play some free DLC now as well as the few paid for ones so I might do some research on that. I’m definitely not going to be platinuming this one after looking at the trophy list. I’m only 39% on the main game and some of the trophies look 😬
@Th3solution I actually played Hellblade with headphones on too - even though that's something I normally don't do, it felt fitting for me in this game.
The game didn't scare me too much, because it's pretty clear the real enemy is your own darkness; to me that made it less scary.
In Bloodborne I had to replay almost every step a fifty times, to the point that the game felt like a cosy blanket of death instead.
There are definitely scary parts in Resident Evil 4 by the way.
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