Phantom Blade Zero Gameplay

Some time ago, not too long after Phantom Blade Zero was first announced, we pondered whether the game was... well, a real game. In some ways, the project almost looked too good to be true, but as promised in its latest trailer, a playable demo build is actually on show at Summer Game Fest.

Gameplay footage from that demo is now starting to appear online, and quite frankly, the action RPG looks fantastic. It's really the combat system that catches the eye here: it's an insane blend of Sekiro-esque parrying, crazy combos, and ridiculous animation work.

You can find eight minutes of footage on Chinese video-sharing site bilibili through this link. The quality isn't great — it appears to be taken from a livestream — but you can still see how impressively crafted the game is.

There's also an on-stage presentation from IGN, which we've embedded below. This particular demo seems to focus on tutorial battles, before showing off some exploration and even boss combat a bit further in. Again, it looks superb.

Phantom Blade Zero doesn't have a release window yet, but it will be showing up at every major gaming event that's yet to take place this year, including Gamescom, ChinaJoy, and Tokyo Game Show. We can't wait to see more.

What do you make of Phantom Blade Zero? Cut your foes down to size in the comments section below.