
Topic: Official Push Square Xbox Thread

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Need a place to discuss the latest game on the Xbox One? Excited about Project Scorpio, or even building up your original Xbox and 360 collection? Then feel free to post here. Just a bit of a warning keep the conversation relevant to the subject at hand, trolling, flaming insulting etc. other users, systems, companies will not be tolerated this is your first and only warning.

Edited on by Tasuki

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


i'm interested in the XB1s as my current XB1 disc drive is broke but i'm also wondering if i should just wait for more info on the Scorpio

besides the XB1s looks real nice


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I think the Slim does look nice BUT it looks like a standard white XB1. Its not until you see them together that you see the size difference but aesthetically the same (virtually). My XB1 drive is 'temperamental' (I have to lift the front up so discs get taken in and aligned properly to read) but I still won't be buying a Slim. I will get the Neo for a 4k media machine and it will/should benefit my gaming experience too.

There is still conflicting information coming out from MS regarding what the Scorpio will/should be. No way can an XB1 run VR and it doesn't exactly run 'non-VR' games 'that' well. Fallout 4 VR was mentioned but I cannot see that coming to XB1 or running well enough to be worth it. Therefore the Scorpio could well have its own unique Hardware/Software options - just from VR. If the Scorpio does end up being a 4k XB1, then I would seriously consider holding off for the 'XB2'. I don't want my games being limited by MUCH inferior hardware. I know the Neo in essence is doing this, but the Neo isn't that big a difference from the PS4 and the PS4 is more powerful than the XB1 anyway. Its also releasing (or expected to) after 3yrs (not 4) so I fully expect Sony's 4th generation time-line is not affected by the arrival of Neo - I wouldn't be surprised to see PS5 in Q4 2018 - 5yrs after PS4 launched and that would allow a 'decent' cross-over period too. I know some people may think Sony won't because its only 2yrs after Neo but the Neo is still limited/restricted to the capability of the PS4.

The Slim is only going to benefit those interested in 4K streaming/Bluray media. Some 4k TV's don't have HDR either - especially most of 2015 and older 4K TV's so you may not see any of the HDR in games and they will still be running at the same native resolution as the standard XB1 anyway. Size of the HDD is nice but you can always plug in external HDD to get that (and more) storage. I believe the 2TB is about £100 more and my 5TB external cost that much...

Obviously size and the built in 'brick' are an incentive but my standard XB1, despite its size, is no bigger than my Home Theatre system and still fits nicely on AV shelving. I prefer Black consoles myself because it matches the rest of my AV equipment and no doubt would look dirty/grubby etc very quickly - especially that controller. Bluetooth connection though is great (about time!!) as we all know from PS gaming!!

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

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@BAMozzy @Fullbringlchigo I think if you are in the market for an Xbox now then the Slim would be the way to go or, if like me, you are going to upgrade later the Scorpio would be the way to go. As a plus point for the Slim it is currently the cheapest way to get 4K Blu ray as the stand alone players are about £400 and there are only a couple models available.



@crippyd: Well i already have a XB1 but it's broke, just wondering if getting a XB1s is worth it with the Scorpio coming out as well?

"I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish!"

"Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!


@Fullbringlchigo I would say go for it. The Scorpio isn't coming out until Christmas 2017 so if your XB1 is dead fill your boots! If I was in the market, I would get the Slim and then upgrade when the Slim died or I got more money.



@crippyd: That really depends on your own circumstances. If you don't have a 4K HDR TV then buying the Slim is purely for cosmetic reasons - you prefer the white and smaller size (although if you have/use Kinect you will have to get an adapter for it). If you have a standard 1080p TV then there is literally no point in buying the Slim specifically - you maybe better off repairing your Disc Drive or picking up the 'old' style XB1 (new or 2nd hand) - both of which is likely to be the cheaper option, especially if you are seriously considering the Scorpio and could see you through to that point. If you barely play the XB1, you could of course get by with just buying the games you do want 'digitally' for the next 18months and then buy the Scorpio when it releases - those digital games can then be redownloaded or transferred anyway.
Its not quite so Black and white and really does depend on the individual circumstances. The Slim certainly seems to be the cheapest 4k UHD Bluray player but if you don't have 4K (or planning to in the next year) its not a reason to buy. If the Neo also has this function as expected, then you may want to buy that instead for this function - its likely to cost more but could/should benefit your games too and 'make do' with the other options (buy digital, repair or replace with old style) in the interim.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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@BAMozzy Fair points. I would counter re the repairs/2nd hand that it would be better to get the newer one for not much more money for the future proofing?



I am honestly thinking of passing on the Xbox One Slim, and just picking up an Xbox One. Main factors, I don't own a 4K Tv and the prices have been dropping like crazy for Xbox Ones. Heck I saw a few on Craigslist for $150. Plus with the Scorpio releasing next year, I am not quite sure I want to sink that much money into the slim just to getting the Scorpio in a year.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


@crippyd: What 'future proofing'? If, as it seems, the Scorpio will play all XB1 games and offer the same 4k media options (no reason to doubt that it wouldn't), then the Slim would be surplus as soon as you buy the Scorpio. There is no point keeping the Slim beyond this point (unlike the XB360 which still has 'unique' games that haven't yet made it to BC) because every game, including your save points will automatically be on the Scorpio as soon as you set up your account. Your entire download library will be available too and I guess if you have an external HDD, you could simply plug that in and save having to re-install/update/re-download everything again too.

I guess if you have multiple 4k TV's, you could move the 'Slim' to the secondary set and use that as a 4k Bluray Media option rather than buying a specific UHD player in the future of course but again that comes down to 'personal circumstances'. Maybe a few years from now, you may want that 4k bluray option on a 2nd TV, in which case I bet you could probably pick up a 'Slim' then for that purpose if you wanted and cheaper than the current prices - although there could also be 'alternatives' - like using your Neo if Sony do bring out a PS5 and you own both of these.

For example considering my personal circumstances - as someone with both a PS4 and XB1 and just one 4K TV currently (my second set is 1080p), I would still not buy the Slim. I intend to invest in the Neo (and that will handle all my 4k media needs) and move my PS4 to the Bedroom. As soon as I buy the Scorpio, I may move my XB1 to the bedroom - just as an alternative place to play XB1 games (like the reason for moving my PS4) but as my 2nd TV is 1080p, this suits both consoles. When Sony release its PS5, the Neo will go to the bedroom and the PS4 will be sold/traded etc. If I do 'upgrade' my bedroom TV to 4K (which at the moment I have no plans to do for at least 4-5yrs - by which time I expect the PS5 to have launched), I will have the Neo for all 4k content anyway. I believe my entire XB1 library and many of my XB360 games will be playable on the Scorpio - if not I still have my XB1 and XB360.

As you can see from my example, I really can't see any benefits to replacing my XB1 with the slim and would rather spend a lot less money on a repair or 2nd hand model in the interim. £250 (min) is a lot of money for just a year IF of course you are looking to replace it as soon as the Scorpio launches and it does play your entire XB1 (inc XB360 BC) game library. I fully expect to buy the 'Neo' and expect that to have the same 4k media options too - meaning that if I do want to watch 4k content, I won't need the Slim for that. I know it maybe more expensive but its the benefit it could offer to games that appeals far more than 4K media. I am willing to 'make-do' with my dodgy XB1 disc-drive and replace that console with Scorpio a year after the Neo anyway. If it gets too bad, I will price up a repair (not official) or a 2nd hand one. But that's just my set of circumstances and current 'plans' at the moment. Things of course could change and if/when they do, I may reconsider my options but as it stands at the moment, I see no benefit to the Slim, even with a 4k TV, because I intend to get the Scorpio a year later and that is expected to play my entire XB1 library.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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the slim does look really nice though. If I didn't have an xbox right now, I would definitely consider a slim. (o_O ) I like my consoles looking sleek and sexy, instead of like an old VCR.

Still holding off on making up my mind about Neo and Scorpio. I might just end up saving my money and getting the NX instead. We don't have a 4k tv, and VR doesn't really interest me at all. At least not yet. I'm waiting for a must-have game before jumping into VR waters.



The new Xbox One Slim does look nice, but I'll probably just stick with the Xbox One that I already have. I wanna learn more info on the Scorpio, the NX as well.

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After some thought I think I'm going to skip the Xbox One S......I've just invested too much into the PS ecosystem.......and I'll say it again, owning multiple consoles isn't necessarily any better than only one
With multiple you often skim the surface of a library, when you have one, you teach yourself to dig deeper and take chances with more unique titles.

If the NX is a portable, I'll probably get that though, with the Neo serving as my home console of choice....



It's available for pre-order on but its funny that they stated the date of release is on Aug 31st 2016. Thought it was slated for a 2017 release.

500GB - $300
1TB - $350
2TB - $400

I like the fact that they have a 2TB version.

Edited on by WanderingBullet

Huntin' monsters erryday.


@Tasuki: Xbox One S

My bad I thought it was gonna be released next year since initially had a December 31st 2016 (which usually means that they either don't have the exact release date yet or its gonna be released the following year) release date.

Edited on by WanderingBullet

Huntin' monsters erryday.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Neo and 2TB Slim are similarly priced. I expect the Neo (if rumours are true) will have a 500GB HDD - at that price - certainly but the rumour was around the $400. I wonder though if Sony will do the same with its pricing and bring out 1 and 2TB versions too?

If I had to buy a Slim, would go for the 500GB model myself. With the difference in price, I could easily buy a 5TB external (I already have for my original XB1). When the Scorpio comes out, it will be a very simple case of unplugging the external and plugging it into the Scorpio and instantly moving my game collection over - No reinstalling, redownloading, updating etc...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


@BMAozzy Yeah, I did mean the 4K stuff. As others have said the Slim and the Scorpio are aimed at different customers, I would say the Slim will be the choice of Xbox console for people getting one now and the Scorpio will be for the people with an original One who want to upgrade or the lucky few that will buy both.



@crippyd: With the option to buy 1080p TV's seemingly on the way out - especially by major manufacturers - the Slim would be an option for the future but I still see it as somewhat 'unnecessary' at the moment to most. Not all 4K TV's even have HDR capability either.

Of course pricing could play a part as we don't yet know what price point MS are aiming for with the Scorpio. It seems at the moment though, based on MS's communication about the Scorpio, is that it is essentially a 4k XB1 with 'high fidelity VR'. The Slim is essentially a 4k media box with XB1 level of gaming. If you are not that bothered by 'gaming' performance and visuals but want the 4K media option, the Slim isn't a bad buy at all. Samsungs UHD Bluray player is a lot more expensive and doesn't play games and of course the Slim is available a year earlier. Its certainly looking like the cheapest 4K Bluray player!

I certainly would have considered if I didn't already have an XB1 - mostly for its more compact size and built in power brick. However a part of me would still contemplate waiting to see what price the Scorpio comes in at. Having a 4K TV with games dropping down as low as 720p, especially as these are higher on other formats, would have me thinking about waiting for the Scorpio - especially if the 'exclusives' at least get a boost from the extra power. I am not that interested in the MS exclusives from a MP/co-op PoV - Gears 4 the only one (just hope Scalebound doesn't make you feel like you have to play 'co-operatively' to succeed). Therefore timing wouldn't be an issue. I buy more multi-platform releases over the course of a year anyway so the best resolution/frame rates I can attain now would be most important to me.

If Scorpio was releasing in Q1 (March?) 2017, I think it would/could change what games I buy in the Holiday season and for which platform. Some of those, BF1, CoD, TF2, are likely to last a year, with replacements next holiday. I would consider buying BF1 for example and playing at 720p if I knew that a few months later, I would get 1440p. Of course we don't yet know if Scorpio will benefit 'old' (released prior to Scorpio) games yet will get any boost to performance/visuals. Its not like the information isn't on Disc but would require a 'patch' to change the settings - Output at 1440/4k, Adjust the quality of textures, shadows, etc to achieve the required frame rate...

I still think MS are 'missing the boat' so to speak. VR was probably the biggest thing at E3 with virtually every publisher having their own VR option. MS could have jumped on board and challenged both PSVR and Neo - if not this Holiday, soon after. The Slim to me feels a bit like E3 2013 with all the emphasis on media over gaming. Talking of E3, I also felt MS approach was solid but very safe and predictable (excluding the Scorpio announcement). Even before any announcements/leaks, you knew Forza Horizon would be there (its their turn), Gears 4 of course would be shown and literally as the games were shown, nothing surprised or was unexpected - well I guess seeing FFxv on MS's stage was a surprise but not sure why it was shown - was it to remind Xbox owners it is coming out to this console too? I just wish they had taken a bigger gamble with Scorpio and VR - not that I am likely to buy into yet but I can't see it going away either - and brought their plans forward...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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