It’s hard to remember a time before Photo Modes, as most major releases feature some form of photography option these days. For some developers, allowing players to take pictures isn’t always a priority, and so the support comes later down the line. Alan Wake 2 is a prime example of that: a new update, available now, finally adds Photo Mode to the acclaimed outing.

As you can see from the trailer embedded above, you can get quite creative with your pictures, adding some really interesting filters, borders, and overlays. We always enjoy Photo Modes where you can position different lights in the scene, and as demonstrated in the video, Remedy is really allowing you to use your imagination with different colours and lighting props.

It’s been a big couple of weeks for Alan Wake 2, with the announcement of a long anticipated physical version, and the release of the outstanding Night Springs add-on. More DLC is on the way in the future, in the form of The Lakehouse. In the meantime, though, will you be faffing around with Alan Wake 2’s Photo Mode? It really is an undeniably beautiful game.
